Most Profitable TPT VA Niches

When you’re just starting out as a TPT Virtual Assistant, you might ask yourself these questions:
How will I make money as a TPT VA?
How will I find a niche?
Why would someone choose me?
What am I having for dinner?*

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self care for slps

12 Actionable Self Care Ideas for SLPs

Whyyyyy are there so many articles about self care ideas for SLPs? Maybe because the only support we get is telling us to go cry quietly in our cars and not make a scene, ya know? Or “I’m sorry you’re struggling, there’s pizza in the break room you’re welcome buh byyyyeee.”

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The Perks of Being a TPT Virtual Assistant

As a TPT virtual assistant (if you want to know what the h*ck that is, click here to read more), I left my life behind as a full time speech-language pathologist and never looked back! I most recently worked in home health, and along with questionable managers, I was burning out from patient care, calling APS an inordinate amount of times, dealing with doctors/orders/insurance, scheduling, and being the only SLP to drive around in a 60 mile radius in Portland. I loved (most of) my patients and (most of) my co-workers, but I knew I needed a change (I mostly knew this because I was dreading work and frequently crying into my green tea).

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Top 5 TPT Virtual Assistant Tasks

Since early 2019, I’ve worked as an SLP TPT VA (in the PNW). So many acronyms, so little time. But what does that mean exactly, and what exactly do TeachersPayTeachers Virtual Assistants help with? This post goes over the very very very basics.

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Hi there! I’ve been an SLP since 2012 and a VA since 2019. I help busy SLPs save time by making comprehensive and engaging resources so that you can focus on other things. I’m a PNW gal that loves to hike, camp, read, and pet all the dogs.