Most Profitable TPT VA Niches

piggy banks gone wild

When you’re just starting out as a TPT Virtual Assistant, you might ask yourself these questions:

  • How will I make money as a TPT VA?
  • How will I find a niche?
  • Why would someone choose me?
  • What am I having for dinner?*
the imposter syndrome is real

When it seems overwhelming and saturated, the answer just might be this: cash in on your already-amazing skills! Consider offering a “Super Niche” – one that is so specialized, clients are bound to need your expertise.

So if you’re thinking of becoming a TPT VA, or want to shift tasks, read on! This post will focus on the money-makers of the TPT VA world. 

*just me?

For general information about what a TPT VA is, click here.

First off, there is no shame in starting small. Sometimes, there’s no choice but to start with general tasks!

But I will say that most of the money to be made as a TPT VA lies in finding a very specific niche. Clients want to hire out tasks to a VA not only because they don’t have the time, but also because they trust you to be proficient and skilled in your specialty. 

Plus, the more specific your niche, the less competition you’ll have among other VAs that are vying for the same client, and the more likely people will come to you as they don’t have the knowledge themselves. 

Read below to brainstorm some profitable TPT VA niches and consider what skills you may already have.

Top Skilled TPT VA Niches


1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

These VAs Search Engine Optimize TPT titles, snippets (the first few lines of TPT product descriptions), blog posts, etc., to improve search results.


Product photography is big for covers, thumbnails, previews, social media, and/or ads. A client can use the same image repeatedly across platforms, so getting a nice, bright photo of a resource-in-action can be invaluable to sellers.


Like product photography, creating product videos can be a game changer for clients. This may include social media videos or video previews on the TPT listing page itself. 


Are you the creative type with an eye for design? Clients may hire you for a branding package: choosing colors and fonts, and/or creating logos and store banners.


Do you want to know what a lot of TPT sellers especially dislike (me included)? Social media. Dreadful. As a social media manager, you could schedule posts, write copy, manage FB groups, research hashtags, engage with audiences, create images or reels, etc.

a pawfect social media manager


As an email manager, you would need to be proficient in different email software (such as Flodesk, ConvertKit, Mailchimp, etc.). Within this niche, you could write or edit copy, design, create lead magnets and/or workflows, etc.


A ton of TPT sellers not only sell on TPT, but their own sites as well. If you have experience in web design, run don’t walk to offer this as a service. Packages could consist of design and/or maintenance, or perhaps adding a storefront to an already established blog. 


As an ads manager, you would set up FB or Google ads for sellers and track analytics. 


These are likely less common, but worth a mention. 

  • Helping with podcasts 
  • Helping with courses
  • Pinterest Management

If you’d like to continue brainstorming to find your niche, click here to download a helpful checklist freebie. 

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a TPT VA, read more about my interactive guidebook here

time to brainstorm

Do any of these niches sound intriguing? I recommend hitting the ground running and searching FB groups, courses, YouTube, etc. to get started.

Good luck!

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